Discover the perfect pH balanced and plant-based products for healthy glowing skin!
Choose your skin care product to include Essential Oils or my completely FRAGRANCE FREE options

Handcrafted on the day of your order in Lincolnshire, UK
by Gerlinde (skin care formulator and owner of Gerlinde Naturals)



31 January 2024  |  Ale

I have very sensitive, fair, dry skin, and this balm has kept my skin beautifully moisturized no matter what the weather is. It is clear to me that Gerlinde really cares about creating clean, vegan, healthy, ethical, honest, effective products that are free of harmful chemicals and free of harmful pharmaceuticals.
My skin reacts badly to mainstream products that are full of bad stuff. My skin knows immediately when something is not clean nor healthy.
On the other hand, Gerlinde's products are loved by my skin and I can tell immediately the glow and the healthiness that my skin shows after applying them. Thank you Gerlinde, please keep the great mission you have of being one of the few skin products in the market that can truly be called healthy, ethical, and effective.

26 January 2024  |  Pia

I went to a facial where this cream was recommended to me and I really really like it. My skin feels better and I think it looks much healthier! Smells wonderful too!

29 November 2023  |  Lynda

Pretty happy with these and do the job of removing make up etc at the end of the day.

29 November 2023  |  Lynda

Not tried these before but they work well, I like the little ridges.